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You need to have windows media player in your computer to listening radio in this site. Please wait a moment (depend on your internet speed, normally 1 minute waiting if low speed) to listening the radio. If the channel still not play, please refresh your browser or click CNTRL + R. If the channel stopped while you listening, plz wait a moment coz its depend on your internet speed. if it still stopped after 1 minute, i suggest you refresh again your browser.tq =)

Radio IKIM FM 2 (Alternative) one radio channel available in Malaysia. IKIM is the acronym for the Institu Kefahaman Islam Malaysia(IKIM), a radio operator. It is transmitted using the frequency 91.5 MHz (in the Klang Valley) and transmitted to the whole country. It can also be followed via the internet on its website. Plan and its contents are designed to Islam.